Transaction details we should display on the Payment Status page?

The payment status page is the page the customer is redirected to when the transaction is finished. This page should display all relevant transaction details to the customer. Plse see below all required transaction information that should be displayed on the page and on the email confirmation.

  • Transaction Result - describe transaction status by parsing the transaction response code and description. Those are present in the received server response.
  • Transaction ID  Our Payment Gateway will return this information as the MerchantTransactionId, which you may find in the response message recived.
  • Amount and currency - The information should be displayed to the customer and it is found in the response message as amount and currency fields. 
  • Card details: Typically, you should parse and display: last four digits of the card used - last4Digits, and card type used in the  paymentBrand field. 
  • Bank authorization code  Each successful Live transaction receives a unique authorization code from the bank. 
  • Timestamp -  Indicate the exact time when the trasaction was processed.

If you are not sure how should it be displayed to the customer, you may look at the example we did for you:

Status: 000.000.000 Transaction succeded
Order ID: 8210425021
Amount: 1000.00 RSD
Card Type: VISA ****1234
Bank Code: XXXXXX
Timestamp: 2017-02-20 11:53:34+****

Bellow you may find examples of postback messages received after the transaction:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<callback xmlns="">
  <transactionId>YOUR_TRANSACTION_ID </transactionId>
  <amount> 4.99 </amount>
  <extraData key="authCode">XXXXXX</extraData>
  <returnData type="creditcardData">
      <cardHolder>Max Mustermann</cardHolder>
      <binBank>Issuing Bank</binBank>
    <email>[email protected]</email>


{"result":"OK","uuid":"805b6ecda12xxxxxxx","merchantTransactionId":"YOUR_TRANSACTION_ID","purchaseId":"20201218-805b6ecda12e7552cd61","transactionType":"DEBIT","paymentMethod":"Creditcard","amount":"4.99","currency":"EUR","merchantMetaData":"YOUR_OPTIONAL_META_DATA","customer":{"identification":"1111","firstName":"John","lastName":"Smith","emailVerified":"false","ipAddress":""},"returnData":{"_TYPE":"cardData","type":"mastercard","cardHolder":"John Smith","expiryMonth":"01","expiryYear":"2020","firstSixDigits":"411111","lastFourDigits":"1111","fingerprint":"ABCXZY...","threeDSecure":"MANDATORY","eci":"02","binBrand":"MASTERCARD","binBank":"Issuing Bank","binType":"DEBIT","binLevel":"STANDARD","binCountry":"US"},"extraData":{"authCode":"XXXXXX"}}  

		"description" :"transactionsucceeded",
		"holder":"Petar Petrovic",
	"buildNumber":"[email protected] 12:25:35 +****",