Saznajte status 3D-Secure transakcije putem ECI vrednosti

In order to determine the 3DSecure status of the transaction you can view the ECI Flag value for any transaction. The ECI flag value tells you whether it was 3DS or 3DS Attempted. The Values for the ECI flag listed are in the order VISA/MASTER/AMEX 

Successful 3D Authentication – Liability shift applies
ECI Flag - Visa 05/ Master 02/ Amex 05

Attempted Processing - Liability shift applies 
ECI Flag - VISA 06/ MASTER 01/ AMEX 06 

User Not Enrolled - Liability shift applies
ECI Flag - VISA 06/ MASTER 01/ AMEX 06 

Technical Error in 3D System – No liability shift – Not allowed for bank processing
ECI Flag - VISA 07/ MASTER 00/ AMEX 07

Missing or invalid Configuration - No liability shift – Not allowed for bank processing
ECI Flag - VISA 07/ MASTER 00/ AMEX 07