.asx-container wraps the payment form. Use this to apply, for example, margins between your page elements and the payment form.
<div class="asx-container"> ... </div>
Individual classes:
.asx-form styles all payment forms. Use this to change the look and feel of the payment form, including backgrounds, paddings, margins or shadows.
<form class="asx-form asx-clearfix" action="{handler}" method="POST" target="{iframe}" lang="en"> ... </form>
Individual classes:
.asx-group wraps the label and the wrapper of the input element. Use this to style labels and inputs together, i.e. position or width.
<div class="asx-group"> <div class="asx-label">...</div> <div class="asx-wrapper">...</div> </div>
Individual classes:
.asx-group-submit / styles the "Pay now" button
.asx-group-button / styles the buttons containing the brand
.asx-label holds the label of an input element.
<div class="asx-label"> Card Number </div>
Individual classes:
Input and select elements are wrapped in a div to gain more control over their styles, especially their width.
.asx-wrapper holds an input or select element. Use this to set the width of the containing input or select element.
<div class="asx-wrapper"> ... </div>
Individual classes:
All textual <input>, <textarea>, <select> elements or <division> where ebedded field will be placed, have a base .asx-control class and are set to width: 100%; by default. The width of these elements should be set via .asx-wrapper.
.asx-control styles the borders, backgrounds or paddings of all <input>, <select>, and <div>.
<div class="asx-control asx-control-cardNumber"> <input type="tel" value="" > // received from Payment.js </div>
Individual classes:
.asx-button styles the submit buttons.
<button type="submit" name="pay" class="asx-button asx-button-pay">Pay now</button>
Individual classes:
.asx-button-pay / styles the "Pay now" button.
.asx-button-brand / styles the buttons containing a brand.
.asx-brand styles the brand icons.
<div class="asx-brand asx-brand-card asx-brand-mastercard"></div>
Individual classes:
.asx-brand-card / styles the card brands
.asx-brand-brandname / dynamic, to show and styles the specific brand received from Payment.js
.asx-has-error adds a red background, border and color to the input element and a red color to the next .asx-hint element.
<div class="asx-control asx-control-cardNumber asx-has-error"> <input type="tel" name="" value="" > // Received from Payment.js </div> <div class="asx-hint asx-hint-cardNumberError"> Invalid card number or brand // dynamic value from Payment.js </div>
Individual classes:
.asx-hint-cardNumberError /
.asx-hint-expiryError /
.asx-hint-cardHolderError /
.asx-hint-cvvError /
.asx-clearfix allows elements to contain floats without re-sorting. Assuming that .asx-label and .asx-wrapper are floated, .asx-group needs .asx-clearfix.
<div class="asx-group asx-clearfix"> <div class="asx-label">...</div> <div class="asx-wrapper">...</div> </div>
Here is an example HTML output of the credit card payment form:
<div id="card" class="asx-container asx-container-card"> <form class="asx-form asx-form-card asx-clearfix" action="{handler}" method="POST" target="{frame}" lang="en"> <div class="asx-group asx-group-brand asx-clearfix"> <div class="asx-psp">Brand</div> <div class="asx-brand asx-brand-card asx-brand-MASTER"></div> </div> <div class="asx-group asx-group-cardNumber asx-clearfix"> <div class="asx-label asx-label-cardNumber">Card Number</div> <div class="asx-wrapper asx-wrapper-cardNumber"> <div class="asx-control asx-control-cardNumber" id="asx-cc"> <input> // Received from Payment.js </div> <div class="asx-hint asx-hint-cardNumberError"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="asx-group asx-group-expiry asx-clearfix"> <div class="asx-label asx-label-expiry">Expiry Date</div> <div class="asx-wrapper asx-wrapper-expiry"> <input autocomplete="off" type="tel" name="card.expiry" class="asx-control asx-control-expiry" placeholder="MM / YY"> <div class="asx-hint asx-hint-expiryError"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="asx-group asx-group-cardHolder asx-clearfix"> <div class="asx-label asx-label-cardHolder">Card holder</div> <div class="asx-wrapper asx-wrapper-cardHolder"> <input autocomplete="off" type="text" name="card.holder" class="asx-control asx-control-cardHolder" placeholder="Card holder"> <div class="asx-hint asx-hint-cardHolderError"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="asx-group asx-group-cvv asx-clearfix"> <div class="asx-label asx-label-cvv">CVV</div> <div class="asx-wrapper asx-wrapper-cvv"> <div class="asx-control asx-control-cvv" id="asx-cc"> <input> // Received from Payment.js </div> <div class="asx-hint asx-hint-cvvError"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="asx-group asx-group-submit asx-clearfix"> <div class="asx-wrapper asx-wrapper-submit"> <button type="submit" name="pay" class="asx-button asx-button-pay">Pay now</button> </div> </div> <input type="hidden" name="{hiddendata1}" value="{value}"> <input type="hidden" name="{hiddendata2}" value="{value}"> <input type="hidden" name="{hiddendata3}" value="{value}"> <input type="hidden" name="card.expiryMonth" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="card.expiryYear" value=""> </form> </div>