How to test your integrations?

To make sure that your integration to our payment gateway will work perfectly once you go Live, we suggest you to do a couple of test transactions in the sandbox environment that was provided to you. Tipicaly, there are 3 requirements for the test transactions:
  1. Test all the payment flows that you are planning to use
  2. Provide all relevant parameters with the transaction
  3. Do transactions with different test cards

Test all the payment flows that you are planning to use

We asume that your integration was done with a payment flow that suites your business model. Tipicaly one can have the following flows:

  • Preauthorization (PA) -> Reversal (RV) -> Capture (CP)
  • Debit /DB) -> Reversal (RV)

Do you benefit from our tokenization system? If you do, then most probably you will be using the following scenario that you wish to test:

  • Registration (RG) + Preauthorizatio (PA) -> Capture (CP)
  • Preauthorizatio (PA) with previously registered card -> Capture (CP

We strongly suggest that you test all scenarios that you will be using before you go LIVE. For all explanation on how to send various transaction types, please refer to our Documentation .

Provide all relevant parameters with the transaction

Our online documentation for demonstrates the minimum requirements for transacting on our platform. However there is additional customer data we highly recommend that you include in the Prepare CheckoutID request. These additional data items are required for various processes including reconciliation and risk management. You can access the complete list of available parameters here . 

These are added in the same way as the other parameters such as Currency and Amount that are currently being sent.

  • merchantTransactionId
  • customer.givenName
  • customer.surname

The merchantTransactionId is simply the order ID from your shopping cart / order management system. This will help you connect payments in the Merchant Portal with orders in your system.

Do transactions with different test cards

It is always advisable to do a number of test transactions. You can find the test cards attached to this article. To make sure you handle the possible Error responses properly, do a simulation of Error transactions as explained in article .  More about Result Codes here .

Attached Files